Our fees reflect our quality
And quality comes at a price.
Get your personalised quote at info@prolingo.sk or +421907770001
Interpretation – the fee depends on the time needed for preparation, travel to the place of assignment, time spent interpreting and conference season.
- Minimum fee – press conferences, vernissages, TV interviews – up to 1 hour
- Half day – anything between 1 to 4 hours
- Full day – anything exceeding 4 hours
Why do we have this fee structure?
- We need to prepare for the topic at hand – we work even when you don’t see us.
- Even a two-hour assignment takes up a half day when time of travel is included.
- If we work for you for more than 4 hours, we have to reserve the entire day.
We don’t translate just words. We make communication happen.
Cheap translations leave a bitter aftertaste. Our translations will be more than palatable. They will be delightful and memorable for the right reasons.
Why don’t we charge a unit price?
- Translation is not a commodity but a professional service.
- Project size and delivery date matter.
- When you go out to eat you wouldn’t care about the price of individual ingredients. Is it important how much the spices cost in your gourmet meal?