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Your Slovak voice

Interpretation and translation

We make sure your message gets across smoothly.

  • Consecutive interpreting – English <=> Slovak in business negotiations, workshops, training seminars, vernissages, …
  • Simultaneous interpreting – English <=> Slovak at conferences and wherever you need smooth uninterrupted communication

Why choose us?

We make sure your texts work in Slovak.

Show your customers you care. We can help you reach your audience in their language to win their trust and loyalty. Websites, marketing texts, apps, contracts, reports, ...

Why choose us?




As part of an international team of interpreters we contribute to smooth communication during an EWC meeting of one of the world's largest companies in the automotive parts industry.


Plenary session of the European parliament


Management conference - one of the world's largest car manufacturers


Workshop for Slovak judges at the European Court of Justice


We have signed non-disclosure agreements with most of our clients, therefore we refrain from presenting any logos or names.

  • Tlmočnícke služby poskytnuté p.Máriou Mlynarčíkovou využívame pre odborné semináre a študijné cesty v oblasti spoločnej poľnohospodárskej politiky EÚ. Kvalita poskytnutých služieb je vždy na profesionálnej úrovni. S jej úrovňou odbornosti a prístupom k výkonu tlmočenia sme veľmi spokojný

    Marek Pihulič

    Projektové služby, s.r.o.

  • S úrovňou odbornosti prekladu boli veľmi spokojní. Termíny boli dodržané presne podľa dohody a samotná komunikácia prebehla na veľmi profesionálnej úrovni. 
    Spoločnosť Prolingo odporúčame  všetkým, ktorí potrebujú kvalitný preklad kľúčových dokumentov o ktoré sa opiera ich business.

    Andrej Komada

    Swifter s.r.o.

  • Demand for language services and translation needs is totally unpredictable
  • @tsdirectory Thank you for your important work!
  • Používa tlmočník stenografiu? Kdeže! via @itranslatesk
  • Our new website is up! Some minor details remain to be fixed, but let us know what you think. Be kind :D
  • "Interpreters are an investment not an expense. Without interpreters your conference won't work." @rpstranslations #iapti2014